Community round-up XXIV28/7/2016 Thanks to Heavyarms_Kai for the above image, screenshots were a little thin on the ground this week. "Rule 34, no exceptions."
Elsewhere on the forums, our resident achievement hunter announced next month's Games with Gold titles. You'll be able to pick up Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and WWE 2K16 for Xbox One, whilst Spelunky and Beyond Good & Evil HD grace the 360. "Nothing for me," claims Sam, "I already own all but Warriors Orochi and don't have much interest in it. WWE is alright, Spelunky and Beyond Good & Evil are both amazing." Not much interest? 1000 Gamerscore says otherwise. ImmaturityRules agrees that BG&E is a must play game and, presumably, feels the same about Spelunky, given that he owns the title on five separate platforms (he has a very good, logical, reason for this but I feel it takes away the gravity of the previous statement, so I've decided to ignore it). There's nothing there for BAMozzy though, he already owns BG&E leaving me as the only person yet to play it. I await your abuse in the forums. I'd just got over last week's Alex Kidd blunder, too. Looks like I'll be getting locked in the PTC basement again this week. Over in the TV Shows! thread Metalrodent, Max and Plasma Wing have been praising the new Robot Wars. Rodent thinks it is "spectacular", according to Plas it's "pretty much the original show, but better", and Max takes it a step further: "Robot Wars is the sh*t. Can't wait for the rest, loved it when I was little. Hope some more of the "classic" bots make a return to tickle my nostalgia gland." That's me sold! I have fond memories of watching old episodes of Robot Wars with my dad, glass of whiskey in hand. Granted, it was only last week but memories are precious. Plas also heralded the return of another classic show, "In other exciting BBC reboot news, for those of you that remember it, Time Commander is coming back too!" For those that have no recollection of the show, it features a huge RTS-type game in which two teams re-enact historic battles via a computer simulation to see who are the greatest military strategists. It was also called Time Commanders. That minor mistake is your Plas fail for the week, I'm afraid.
Liam showed off some pistol skills, getting his first kill with the Lord of the Fries skin in Halo 5: Guardians: I was equally as skilful in Rainbow Six: Siege, managing to get two headshots whilst firing through a partially barricaded window: You'd think that not being able to see the targets, coupled with my inability to shoot straight, would be a hindrance; but you'd be wrong. If anything, my woeful ineptitude was a boon and, thanks to my lack of any discernible manual dexterity, we managed to secure the place of 'runners-up' in that match.
Yeah, Liam's was better. Moving on... When he wasn't busy being a superior marksman than I, Liam put together some Infinite Warfare details, which included a gameplay video and virtual tour of the command ship. Neither Liam nor Rodent were impressed by the "this is a classic story of good vs evil" quote, feeling that it could portend a lazy, uninspired story. BAM, however, sees things from a different angle, posting, "virtually every CoD (as well as countless other games) are a classic story of good vs evil." That's a good point. Excepting a few titles, that is the premise of most games/films/TV shows. If you're looking for folk to game with, Max has found himself playing Mortal Kombat X and Hetty is so lonely by herself in Neverwinter, that she has had to resort to talking to strangers. STRANGERS! Help a gal out, won't you? We close with a track that was featured in Ubisoft's The Crew, Kyuss - Demon Cleaner. Leave a Reply. |
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