The sequel to This is The Police launches next week and THQ Nordiq have released an interesting new trailer to build hype. This is The Police 2 has a similar premise to its predecessor. Players have to run the sheriff's department, manage their force, take part in investigations and interrogations, all the while trying to earn a living and stay out of jail themselves.
The new sheriff in town, Lilly Reed, already has enough on her plate attempting to deal with unruly subordinates who aren't used to taking orders from a young woman, but everything changes when a mysterious stranger, known as Warren Nash, appears in Sharpwood with unknown motives. This is The Police 2 launches 2 August on PC, Mac and Linux, and will be heading to Xbox One, PS4 and Switch later this year. Did you play the original? Looking forward to the sequel? Let us know below or over in the forums. Leave a Reply. |
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