Community round-up XIV20/5/2016 Plasma wing has a nasty habit of stopping playing the game at hand in aid of playing another game, most often Solitaire. It's quite bizarre, frankly. It does, at least, present opportunity to mess with him a little bit, as Metalrodent has in the above screenshot.
Those two co-op summons definitely hate him now. After such a pathetic performance, Prince Lorian felt bad for Plas and decided to just hand him the win. Real talk, though - that's a pretty significant glitch. SMITE added new achievements for the Norse God of Mischief, Loki this week. Rodent can't stomach facing the tricksy assassin, so his guaranteed surge in popularity came as unwelcome news. Maybe he'll be able to handle it now, as the last time I played he certainly wasn't capable of getting a penta-kill. Or nearly getting one, at least. Damn it, Garry, not only are you annoyingly handsome, but you stole the penta! I feel for you, Rodent. As promised last week, James delivered the goods on an Overwatch community game night video. Featuring myself, James, Liam, Timmeh and Plas learning the ropes against the AI, they naturally didn't stand a chance. Just ignore the bit where Plas gets awarded the best play, I reported the glitch to Blizzard and have been assured it'll be ironed out come full release. Speaking of: release is excitingly just days away now, so be sure to head over to the PTC Nights thread and get involved with the upcoming sessions (provided you're getting the Xbox One version, that is). DOOM is pretty great, by the way. I never thought I'd say that with the trailers painting a fairly mediocre picture. As was said in the review, I'm immensely happy to have been proven wrong. I even enjoy creating SnapMaps. This is coming from a guy that can't get along with level editing in Halo's Forge, Little Big Planet or Project Spark. You can check out my first creation by using the code LTYPZ264. Titled "Stop it! Don't open that door!" (can you name the reference?), it's a short excursion in which you should have just enough ammo to survive. "Programming" the brief segment took around two hours, which definitely prompted great respect for developers and the work they do. Rob and Johnbhoy have been playing and having just as much fun, maybe even more with their affinity for the multiplayer mode that I deem the weak link. It's now time for a cautionary tale. You'd think this was self-explanatory, but kids, when boarding a helicopter be sure to sit on the inside. James lead by example, but Rob still managed to find his way onto the roof, where the rotor blades make short work of him. Some people...
A few weeks ago Lisa Miskovsky's Still Alive, main theme to Mirror's Edge, made the PTC jukebox as it's a personal favourite of mine. Now Mirror's Edge Catalyst's theme has been released. Titled "Warning Call" and performed by Scottish electronic trio CHVRCHES, it doesn't quite match up, but hey, it's still a step above most. Comments are closed.
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