Microsoft have confirmed that the massive destruction previously seen in Crackdown 3 videos is solely for multiplayer, after their E3 trailer left people wondering.
Whilst the server based destruction is multiplayer only, there will be certain structures that can be destroyed in the campaign and the landscape will change over time.
The story can be completed solo or with up to three other players and should take around 16 hours to complete. The city is two and half times the size of that in the original and there's a greater focus on verticality. Some of the buildings are almost a kilometre high; much taller than the agency tower we all raced to climb all those years ago. You won't be delayed by multiple loading screens on your journey as once the world has loaded, that's it. Even upon death. "The game doesn't give a monkeys if you die," Wilson quipped. "There is literally no load. You just pick a supply point you've captured, spawn back in again, and the world just carries on. "We built it as a co-op game from the ground up. There's no pause menu, really. Even in single-player, we imagine it as being a co-op game that just happens to have one person in it. The whole game is constantly moving and playing without you. It's simulation focused." Crackdown 3 is set to release alongside the Xbox One X on 7 November. Are you still interested in Crackdown 3? Share your thoughts with us below or over in the forums. Leave a Reply. |
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