Indie developer, The Molasses Flood, are teaming up with Curve Digital to bring their survival title to Nintendo Switch owners. Scout's energy, hunger, thirst and warmth must all be managed or death will come quickly. Forrest Dowling, Lead Designer, thinks it's a perfect fit for the portable console, stating: "Like Scout’s journey of survival, players will be able to shape their story wherever they see fit, be it on the couch, the bus, or even on a boat gently meandering down the Mississippi river.”
“Survival is a tough and draining affair. One lapse in concentration can cause death,” said Simon Byron, Publishing Director at Curve Digital. “That’s why we’re so excited about the Nintendo Switch version of The Flame In The Flood. With the portability of the console, players can survive in short bursts and maintain much needed dedication to the task of living.” The Flame in The Flood is out now for Xbox One, PS4 and PC and hits the eShop for Nintendo Switch 12 October. What do you think of the trailer? Will it be a good fit for Switch? Share your thoughts with us below or over in the forums. Leave a Reply. |
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