An official blog post, which has since been pulled, announced Operation: Skull Rain and gave details on the new content, which includes two new operators and one new map. The attacking operator, Capitao, carries a tactical crossbow that can fire asphyxiating bolts that burn oxygen within a certain radius, as well as micro smoke grenades that can mask team positions and movement.
The defensive operator, Caveira, possesses the “Silent Step” ability that enables her to sneak up on enemies to immobilize and interrogate them, revealing their teammates' positions. The new map is set in a Brazilian favela and supports exterior shell destruction, making it the most destructible map yet. Also added is a new angled grip attachment, which makes the transition between hip fire and aiming down sights much quicker, and a surrender option for ranked matches. A majority vote will be required to surrender but matches can only be forfeit before the third round. More info will be revealed during the Season Two Xbox Pro League Finals livestream on 30 July. Do the new operators interest you? Share your thoughts with us on the forums or leave a comment below. Leave a Reply. |
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